Pennsylvania State University

Pennsylvania State University

Principles of Artificial Intelligence

The material to be covered each week and the assigned readings (along with online lecture notes, if available) are included on this page. The study guide (including slides, notes, readings) will be updated each week. The assigned readings are divided into required and recommended readings and notes from recitations (if available). You will be responsible for the material covered in the lectures and the assigned required readings. The optional readings are provided as a guide for those interested in exploring specific topics in greater depth.

Week 1

Overview of the course; Overview of artificial intelligence: What is intelligence? What is artificial intelligence (AI)? History of AI; Working hypothesis of AI. Introduction to intelligent agents. Intelligent agents defined. Taxonomy of agents. Simple reflex agents (memoryless agents); agents with limited memory; rational agents; agents with goals; utility-driven Agents.

Required Readings -- Artificial Intelligence

Recommended Materials

  • History and Promise of AI, by D. Waltz.
  • Week 2

    Goal-Based Agents. Problem-solving as state space search. Formulation of state-space search problems. Representing states and actions. Basic search algorithms and their properties: completeness, optimality, space and time complexity. Breadth-first search, depth-first search, backtracking search, depth-limited and interative deepening search.

    Heuristic search. Finding optimal solutions. Best first search. A* Search: Adding Heuristics to Branch and Bound Search. Completeness, Admissibility, and Optimality of the A* algorithm. Design of admissible heuristic functions. Comparison of heuristic functions ("informedness" of heuristics).

    Problem Solving through Problem Reduction. Searching AND-OR graphs. A*-like admissible algorithm for searching AND-OR graphs.

    Required readings

    Recommended Materials

    • G. Polya, How to Solve It, Princeton University Press, 1957.
    • Pearl, J. (1988). Heuristics: Intelligent Search Strategies for Computer Problem Solving.

    Week 3

    Pathless search problems. Hillclimbing, Stochastic search: Metropolis Algorithm, Simulated Annealing, Genetic Algorithms.

    Required readings

    Recommended Materials

    Week 4

    Problem solving as Constraint Satisfaction. Properties of constraint satisfaction problems. Examples of constraint satisfaction problems. Iterative instantiation method for solving CSPs. Scene interpretation as constraint propagation (Waltz's line labeling algorithm). Node consistency, arc consistency, and related algorithms.

    Required readings

    Recommended Materials

    Weeks 5-6

    Introduction to Knowledge Representation. Logical Agents with explicit knowledge representation. Knowledge representation using propositional logic; Review of Propositional Logic: Propositional logic as a knowledge representation language: Syntax and Semantics; Possible worlds interpretation; Models and Logical notions of Truth and Falsehood; Logical Entailment; Inference rules; Modus ponens; Soundness and Completeness properties of inference. Modus Ponens is a sound inference rule for Propositional logic, but is not complete. Extending modus ponens - the resolution principle.

    Logical Agents without explicit representation. Comparison of logical agents with and without explicit representations.

    FOPL (First-Order Predicate Logic). Ontological and epistemological commitments and Syntax and semantics of FOPL. Examples. Theorem-proving in FOL. Unification, instantiation, and entailment.

    Required readings

    Optional readings

    Additional Information

    • Genesereth, M. R., & Nilsson, N. J., Logical Foundations of Artificial Intelligence. Palo Alto, CA: Morgan Kaufmann (1987).

    Weeks 7-8

    Transformation of FOPL sentences in Clause Normal Form. Resolution by refutation for First Order Predicate Logic. Examples. Automated Theorem Proving. Search Control Strategies for Theorem Proving. Unit Preference, Set of Support and related approaches. Soundness and Completeness of Proof Procedures. Semidecidability of FOPL and its implications. Brief discussion of Datalog (for deductive databases) and Prolog (for logic programming).

    Emerging Applications of Knowledge Representation.. Semantics-Driven Applications. Ontologies. Information Integration. Service Oriented Computing. Semantic Web. Brief overview of Ontology Languages: RDF, OWL. Description Logics - Syntax, Semantics, and Inference.

    Required readings

    Optional readings

    Additional Information

    Weeks 9-10

    Representing and Reasoning Under Uncertainty. Review of elements of probability. Probability spaces. Bayesian (subjective) view of probability. Probabilities as measures of belief conditioned on the agent's knowledge. Axioms of probability. Conditional probability. Bayes theorem. Random Variables. Independence. Probability Theory as a generalization of propositional logic. Syntax and Semantics of a Knowledge Representation based on probability theory. Sound inference procedure for probabilistic reasoning.

    Independence and Conditional Independence. Exploiting independence relations for compact representation of probability distributions. Introduction to Bayesian Networks. Semantics of Bayesian Networks. D-separation. D-separation examples. Answering Independence Queries Using D-Separation tests.

    Probabilistic Inference Using Bayesian Networks. Exact Inference Algorithms - Variable Elimination Algorithm; Message Passing Algorithm; Junction Tree Algorithm. Complexity of Exact Bayesian Network Inference. Approximate inference using stochastic simulation (sampling, rejection sampling, and liklihood weighted sampling

    Required readings

    Optional readings

    Additional Information

    • Probabilistic Reasoning in Intelligent Systems: Networks of Plausible Inference. Judea Pearl (1997).
    • Castillo, E., Gutierrez, J. M., Hadi, A. S. Expert Systems and Probabilistic Network Models. Berlin: Springer (1996).
    • Cowell, R. G. Lauritzen, S. L., and Spiegelhalter, D. J. Probabilistic Networks and Expert Systems Berlin: Springer (2005).
    • Korb, K.B., and Nicholson, A.E., Bayesian Artificial Intelligence, Chapman and Hall (2004).

    Week 11

    Making Simple Decisions under uncertainty, Elements of utility theory, Constraints on rational preferences, Utility functions, Utility elicitation, Multi-attribute utility functions, utility independence, decision networks, value of information

    Required readings

    • Chapter 16 from the Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach textbook by Russell and Norvig.
    • Lecture Slides

    Optional Readings

    Additional Information

    • French, S. Decision Theory: An Introduction to the Mathematics of Rationality. Ellis Horwood, 1986.
    • Luce, R. D., and Raiffa, H. (1957). Games and decisions. New York: John Wiley and Sons. Dover republication 1989.
    • Korb, K.B., and Nicholson, A.E., Bayesian Artificial Intelligence, Chapman and Hall (2004).
    • Ralph L. Keeney and Howard Raiffa, Decisions with Multiple Objectives: Preferences and Value Trade Offs, Wiley, New York, 1993.

    Week 12

    Planning. Representation Language for Planning Problems. Representing actions and their effects. STRIPS and its derivatives. Examples.

    Planning with State-Space Search. Forward (Progression) and Backward (Regression) search. Heuristic State-space search.

    Partial Order Planning. Planning Graphs. Graph-Plan Algorithm. Planning using SAT solvers.

    Required readings

    • Chapter 11 from the Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach textbook by Russell and Norvig.
    • Lecture Slides.

    Optional readings

    Additional Information

    Week 13

    Markov Decision Processes and Sequential Decision Problem.

    Reinforcement Learning. Agents that learn by exploring and interacting with environments. Examples of reinforcement learning scenario. Markov decision processes. Types of environments (e.g., deterministic versus stochastic state transition functions and reward functions, stationary versus non-stationary environments, etc.).

    The credit assignment problem. The exploration vs. exploitation dilemma. Value Iteration algorithm. Policy Iteration algorithm. Q-learning Algorithm, Confergence of Q-learning. Temporal Difference Learning Algorithms.

    Required readings

    Optional readings

    Additional Information

    Week 14

    Optional Topics:

    • Causal Models. The importance of causal models for making sense of data. Causal calculus. Confoundiers and causal inferece. How to identify confounders. Inferring causal models from data.
    • Algorithmic fairness and accountability.

    Required readings

    Optional readings

    Additional Information

    • Causal Inference in Statistics, A primer. Judea Pearl, Madelyn Glymour, Nicholas Jewell. Wiley.
    • Cause and correlation in biology. Bill Shipley. Cambridge University Press.