Pennsylvania State University

Pennsylvania State University

Principles of Artificial Intelligence


The following gives a tentative list of topics to be covered in the course (not necessarily in the order in which they will be covered).

Overview: foundations, scope, problems, and approaches of AI.

Intelligent agents: reactive, deliberative, goal-driven, utility-driven, and learning agents

Artificial Intelligence programming techniques

Problem-solving through Search: forward and backward, state-space, blind, heuristic, problem-reduction, A, A*, AO*, minimax, constraint propagation, neural, stochastic, and evolutionary search algorithms, sample applications.

Knowledge Representation and Reasoning: ontologies, foundations of knowledge representation and reasoning, representing and reasoning about objects, relations, events, actions, time, and space; predicate logic, situation calculus, description logics, reasoning with defaults, reasoning about knowledge, sample applications.

Planning: planning as search, partial order planning, construction and use of planning graphs

Representing and Reasoning with Uncertain Knowledge: probability, connection to logic, independence, Bayes rule, bayesian networks, probabilistic inference, sample applications.

Decision-Making: basics of utility theory, decision theory, sequential decision problems, elementary game theory, sample applications.

Machine Learning: learning from observations (data), problem-solving, interaction and experimentation. Representative learning algorithms. learning nearest neighbor, naive Bayes and its variants, neural networks and their variants, and decision trees and their variants, Q-learning for learning action policies, sample applications.

Sample Applications of AI, student project presentations.

Brief Survey of selected additional topics: perception, communication, interaction, and action; multiagent systems.

The primary text for the course is: Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach, 3rd Edition, by Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig.

Course textbook

The course will often draw upon a variety of additional references and readings to supplement the treatment of topics available in the primary textbook. Students should consult the for specific reading assignments.