Computational Foundations of Informatics
Weekly Study Guide
Week 1
Computational foundations of informatics. What is computation? Origins of computing - Leibnitz's quest for logical calculus; Hilbert's decision problem; Turing's solution of Hilbert's decision problem. Alternative models of computation and their relation to languages - Chomsky Hierarchy. Church-Turing Thesis. Algorithms. Hardness of computational problems. Power and limits of computation - Godel's incompleteness theorem. Computational lens. Computational abstractions in AI, Biology, Social Science.... Computation as an organizing framework for science.
Required Readings
Recommended Readings
Hillis, D. (1998). The Pattern on the Stone: The Simple Ideas that Make Computers Work. Basic Books
Week 2
Quantifying information content of messages. Information, uncertainty, and entropy. Subjective nature of information. Elements of Shannon's Information Theory. Coding and decoding of messages.
Required Readings
Recommended Readings
Campbell, J. Grammatical Man - Information, Entropy, Language and Life.
Week 3
What makes a string random? Descriptional complexity of a string as the length of the shortest program for generating the string. Kolmogorov complexity and conditional Kolmogorov Complexity. Kolmogorov complexity and data compression. Kolmogorov complexity and the universal distribution. Information distance and its applications.
Required Readings
Week 4
Algorithmic Abstractions of (Logical) Reasoning.
Introduction to Knowledge Representation.
Knowledge representation using propositional logic; Review of
Propositional Logic: Ontological and epistemological commitments;
Syntax and Semantics; Possible worlds
interpretation; Models and Logical notions of Truth and Falsehood;
Logical Entailment; Inference rules; Modus ponens; Soundness and
Completeness properties of inference. Extending
modus ponens - the resolution principle.
FOPL (First-Order Predicate Logic). Ontological and epistemological commitments and Syntax and semantics of FOPL. Examples. Inference in FOL. Unification, instantiation, and entailment, and question answering.
Required readings
Recommended Readings
Week 5
Algorithmic Abstractions of (Probabilistic) Inference.
Review of elements of probability. Probabilities as subjective measures of belief (relative to an agent's knowledge of the world).
Probability. Conditional probability. Bayes theorem. Random Variables.
Independence. Probability theory as a generalization of propositional logic.
Ontological and epistemological commitments of probabilistic knowledge representation. Syntax and Semantics of probabilistic knowledge representation.
Probabilistic inference.
Independence and Conditional Independence. Exploiting independence relations for compact representation of probability distributions. Bayesian network representations of probabilistic knowledge. Syntax and semantics.
D-separation. Markov Blankets. Answering Independence Queries
Using D-Separation tests.
Probabilistic Inference Using Bayesian Networks.
Approximate inference using stochastic simulation (sampling, rejection sampling, and liklihood weighted sampling)
Required readings
Recommended Readings
Dependency Modeling Course, University of Helsinki
- A Logical Notion of Conditional Independence: Properties and Applications by A. Darwiche.
Inference in Bayesian Networks -- A Procedural Guide Huang, C., A. Darwiche. Journal of Approximate Reasoning. Vol 15. pp. 225-263.
Analysis of Three Bayesian Network Inference Algorithms: Variable Elimination, Likelihood Weighting, and Gibbs Sampling Rose F. Liu and Rusmin Soetjipto, 2004.
Probabilistic Relational ModelsLise Getoor, Nir Friedman, Daphne Koller, Avi Pfeffer, and Ben Taskar.
Open Universe Probability Models, Milch, B. and Russell, S. (2010).
Week 6
Algorithmic abstractions of decision making under uncertainty. Elements of utility theory, Constraints on rational preferences, Utility functions, Utility elicitation, Multi-attribute utility functions, utility independence, decision networks, value of information. Representing and reasoning with qualitative preferences.
Required readings
Recommended Readings