Principles of Causal Inference
Course Descripton
DS 560. Principles of Causal Inference.
Course Staff
The Spring 2025 offering of Principles of Causal Inference is taught by Professor Vasant Honavar.
Course Schedule
Lectures:Tuesday, Thursday - 9:05pm to 10:20pm, E339, Westgate Building
Office Hours:
Vasant Honavar: Wednesday 4:00pm - 5:00pm or by appointment.
Course Overview
Course Description: Representing, reasoning with, and learning causal effects and causal
models from observational and experimental data is a hallmark of intelligence. It is
also central to all scientific endeavors. Many of the difficulties in establishing the
validity, generalizability, and reproducibility of scientific findings can be traced to
inadequate attention to their causal underpinnings. Modern machine learning
methods have been incredibly successful in building predictive models (e.g., for health
risks from genetics, lifestyle, and other factors) from observational data. However,
they are fundamentally about finding and using complex correlations between a set
of predictive variables (e.g., genetics, lifestyle) and the outcome of interest (e.g.,
health risk). Consequently, they are fundamentally incapable of answering causal
questions e.g., How would one’s risk of heart disease change if one were to quit
smoking? More importantly, predictive models constructed solely from observational
data can yield misleading conclusions (e.g., about the effectiveness of a drug to cure
a disease). Drawing valid conclusions in such settings calls for principled methods
and tools for causal modeling and causal inference. Fortunately, we there has been more
progress on foundations and methods of causal modeling and causal inference in the
past 3 decades than the rest of human existence.
This course will give students a rigorous yet accessible
treatment of the theoretical underpinnings, and practice of causal inference from
observational and experimental data. Topics covered include: pitfalls of standard
machine learning algorithms when applied to observational data; causal inference in
the absence of randomized control trials; causal effects and counterfactuals; eliciting
causal effects from observations; the Causal Bayesian Network framework for causal
inference - do-calculus, identifiability of causal effects from observations and
experiments; the Potential Outcomes framework for causal inference - matching and
propensity score-based methods and their advanced variants for counterfactual
inference; the relationship between the Potential Outcomes and causal Bayes
Networks; and learning causal models from observations and experiments. The
course will give a principled treatment to confounders as well as practical approaches
to cope with them. Additional topics to be covered include mediation analysis;
advanced machine learning methods for causal effect estimation; causal
transportability; selection bias; and meta-analysis.
Learning Objectives
Upon successful completion of the course, students will
demonstrate a broad understanding of the principles of causal inference, including
the Potential Outcomes and causal Bayesian networks frameworks, as well as their
applications in the data sciences. Students will understand the implementation,
adaptation, and applications of several causal inference algorithms in a high-level
programming language (e.g., Python). Students will be able to identify, formulate,
and solve causal inference problems that arise in the empirical sciences. Students
with the necessary computational and mathematical background will also be prepared
to pursue advanced research on the foundations of, and methods for causal inference
in Data Sciences and Artificial Intelligence.
Target Audience
The primary audience for the course includes graduate students
and advanced undergraduates in Informatics, Computer Science and Engineering,
Data Sciences, Mathematics, and quantitatively inclined students in empirical sciences
(Life Sciences, Health Sciences, Behavioral Sciences, Environmental Sciences,
Learning Sciences, Cognitive Sciences, Social Sciences, Public Policy, and related
Recommended Preparation
Recommended preparation for the course include
basic proficiency in programming, elements of probability theory and statistics,
discrete mathematics, and (optionally) machine learning.
If you are not sure whether you have the necessary background, please talk to the instructor.