Principles of Machine Learning
Course Syllabus
Overview of scientific and practical rationale, applications
Statistical Machine Learning Theory and Applications
Decision-theoretic foundations of classification
Maximum likelihood, maximum a posteriori and Bayesian Frameworks
Probabilistic generative models (with emphasis on the exponential family)
Probabilistic discriminative models
Kernel machines
Representative algorithms
Algorithmic Learning Theory and Applications
Algorithmic models of learning
Mistake bound model – winnow and multiplicative update algorithms
PAC Model – sample complexity, algorithmic complexity, PAC-easy and PAC-hard learning problems
Occam algorithms
Boosting and ensemble learning
Curriculum learning - Learning under helpful distributions
Probabilistic graphical models
- Bayesian networks - structure and parameter learning
- Markov models and Hidden Markov Models, and their generalizations
- Latent variable models - topic models
- Probabilistic relational models
- Stochastic process models
- Grammars
Selected Topics in Advanced Machine Learning
Multi-instance learning
Multi-label learning
Multi-relational learning
Structured label learning
Distributional learning
Deep learning
Learning from longitudinal data
Learning Predictive Models from Big Data
- Scaling up learning algorithms to large data sets
Scaling up learning algorithms to high dimensional data sets - feature selection, abstraction, hashing
Learning predictive models from distributed data
Learning predictive models from linked data
Big Data Analytics Platforms and Tools