Associations and Conferences
- Officer. Council Member. (August 2006-August 2008) American Sociological Association, Section Communication and Information Technologies.
- Planning Committee. ACM SIG MIS/CPR Conference - Doctoral Consortium, Claremont, CA, 2006
- Program Committee. International Federation For Information Processing Working Group 8.2 (IFIP 8.2), IFIP 8.2 Limerick, Ireland, July 13-15, 2006.
- Program Committee, IRMA, Track--Social Responsibility in the Information Age. Washington, DC, May 2006.
- Program Committee, ACM- SIGCPR/MIS 2005, April, Atlanta, GA
- Program Committee, ACM- SIGMIS/CPR 2004, April, Tucson, AZ
- Roundtables Organizer: Section on Science, Knowledge and Technology, American Sociological Association Meetings, August 2003, Atlanta, GA.
- Session Chair, Sociology of Technology, American Sociological Association, Philadelphia, PA August 2005.
- Session Chair, Roundtables, Communication and Information Technologies, American Sociological Association, Philadelphia, PA August 2005.
- Session Chair, 2 Sessions at the ACM SIGCPR/MIS Conference held in Atlanta, April 2005.
- Session Roundtable Organizer: Section on Computers and Information Technology, American Sociological Association Meetings, August 2004, San Francisco, CA.
- Roundtables Organizer: Section on Science, Knowledge and Technology, American Sociological Association Meetings, August 2002, Chicago, IL. August 2003, Atlanta, GA.
- Session Organizer, Pacific Sociological Association, April 18-21, 2002 in Vancouver, BC. Three Sessions: Technological and Cultural Change in Institutions of Higher Education, The Death of the Dot Com: Life Cycle Changes in High Tech Industry, The Wireless Society
- Book Review Editor, Newsletter S.K.A.T., Science Knowledge and Technology (2000-2004) American Sociological Association, Section on Science Knowledge and Technology
- Guest Editor (with Helen Richardson and Lynette Kvasny). Social Science Computer Review (SSCORE), Special Issue on Critical Information Systems Research, 2006.
- Co- Editor Newsletter S.K.A.T., Science Knowledge and Technology (2004-2006) American Sociological Association, Section on Science Knowledge and Technology
- Reviewer for Information and Organizations
- Reviewer for ALOIS 2005 conference
- Reviewer for Information Technology and People
- Reviewer for ICIS
- Reviewer for International Journal of Technology and Human Interaction
- Reviewer for Human Resource Management Journal
- Reviewer for European Journal of Information Systems
- Reviewer for Group 2005 Conference
Service to School
- Graduate Advisory Council Member (2005-2007)
- Faculty Advisor to WIST Women in IST (2003-2006)
- IST Comprehensive Exam Committee Member, Information and People (2004, 2005)
- IST Faculty Recruiting Committee on Medical Informatics (2005), Information Assurance(2006)
- Co-Developer of the Center for the Information Society Website (2004)
Professional Memberships
- American Sociological Association, 1996 to present
ASA Science, Knowledge and Technology Section, 1998 to present
ASA Section on Computers and Information Technologies, 1998 to present - Society for the Social Studies of Science, 2000 to present
- Pacific Sociological Association, 1996 to present
- ACM-Association for Computing Machinery, SIG Special Interest Group, CPR, Computer Professional Research>, 2002 to present
- ASSIT- 2004 to present
- International Federation of Information Processing (IFIP)
Working Group on Information Systems in Organizations and Society (IFIP WG8.2)- 2004 to present