Java and C Code for MATLAB FIS Files

Have you ever wanted to develop an embedded application of fuzzy logic system using MATLAB Fuzzy Logic Toolbox? You can do this using one of the two solutions below.

Java Wrapper and C Implementation of FIS Inference

The code in FIS.tar is a Java/C implementation of the FIS inference in MATLAB Fuzzy Logic Toolbox. This enables you to (1) use the GUI of MATLAB Fuzzy Logic Toolbox for designing, adjusting, and visualizing membership functions and fuzzy rules, and (2) use the wrapper to embed your fuzzy systems in a C/Java application.

Java Implementation of FIS Inference (SAM Model)

Alternatively, you can download a Java implementation of FIS inference in Fuzzy.tar, which contains java package, Fuzzy, as well as the documentation (as html files, created with javadoc) for interpreting FIS files. It supports Trapzoid and Triangular membership functions. It also implemented Gaussian membership functions.
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